Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Something bit her

I went to pick Kylie up the other day after work and found out she had been bit by something. We're all assuming it was a spider, but have no way of knowing. Her hand was pretty swollen by the time I got her and we ended up going to Docs on Call because it was getting bigger. The doc there put her on an antibiotic. Tuesday morning her hand was even bigger and all red, so we made a trip in to see her Pediatrician. He doubled her dose just to be on the safe side and told me to keep giving her Tylenol, Motrin and Benadryl.
I took these pictures yesterday. The swelling didn't seem to bother her enough to quit sucking her thumb. We've got a follow up appointment tomorrow, but the hand already looks so much better. It's still pretty puffy, but she's able to use it a little easier.