Friday, June 30, 2006

We're home

For those of you who thought we fell off the face of the earth, we were out in Vegas. We got to spend a lot of time with our friends, Jenette & Emma and Kristy & Liberty. It was fun watching the three girls play together again. Kylie took her first ride on a carousel and in the beginning she seemed to like it but towards the end she was ready to get off. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the ride. I was sad to come home, it was nice being with my friends again.
Luckily, I'm blessed with a child that travels well. We're headed to Denver next Friday.

We're home

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Look what we did today

I had found a recipe to make fingerpaints out of cornstarch, sugar and water on the Martha Stewart website and decided to give it a try. I debated doing it outside, but the mosquitos are so bad out there that we ended up using the side of the refrigerator. We had such a good time. The mixture has a thick consistency but she didn't see to mind it any. Nor did she try eating it. She was so funny to watch. She'd say the name of the color she was using and then when she was finished, she'd rub her hands together and it ended up all over her (and me). This is my attempt to bring out her inner artist so we can start scrapping together. I think we're on the right track.
Just a sidenote, Kylie ate crackers and spinach dip for breakfast........she really is my child!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Our trip to Wyoming

We went to Wyoming last weeked to visit my Aunt and Uncle. We went to the State Park in Lander and Kylie was pretty cautious around all of the water. I was mildly surprised, she's a very curious child. Last Saturday, we went to the Hot Springs in Thermopolis. She tolerated the life jacket fairly well. She'd try to sit down in the toddler pool and it would tip her forward. She didn't seem to mind and would start laughing. That evening when we got back to Riverton, she took about 5 steps in the kitchen and then laid down and went to sleep. I don't think I've ever seen her so tired.

Just a note.....Kylie talks up a storm now. She gets up every morning and goes to the frig and says ice cream.