Saturday, June 10, 2006

Look what we did today

I had found a recipe to make fingerpaints out of cornstarch, sugar and water on the Martha Stewart website and decided to give it a try. I debated doing it outside, but the mosquitos are so bad out there that we ended up using the side of the refrigerator. We had such a good time. The mixture has a thick consistency but she didn't see to mind it any. Nor did she try eating it. She was so funny to watch. She'd say the name of the color she was using and then when she was finished, she'd rub her hands together and it ended up all over her (and me). This is my attempt to bring out her inner artist so we can start scrapping together. I think we're on the right track.
Just a sidenote, Kylie ate crackers and spinach dip for breakfast........she really is my child!

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