Thursday, May 11, 2006

I am now the mother of a two year old

I find it hard to believe that Kylie is two already. Where did the time go? We had just a small birthday party for her. It didn't start until 11:45 because of church, but that was 15 minutes before our normal nap time. So we didn't have long until meltdown occured.
It was a Barney party since she adores him. I had to special order the stuff since there's not a store in town that carries Barney supplies and.... I waited too long to look around. But that at least went over well with her.
This year she knew what to do with her cake, but like her mother, she only ate the frosting. It's funny how they pick up those little habits.
My wish is for a mild case of the terrible twos. I hope being an Irish Pole isn't a recipe for disaster. I guess we'll soon find out.

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