Sunday, May 14, 2006

What was I thinking?

Yesterday, we (Kylie and I) babysat an 8 1/2 month old. Things went pretty well until it was time for Kylie to take a nap. I placed the baby in the pack 'n play until I could get Kylie down, but I only succeeded in making her mad, because all she did was scream. Which woke Kylie up and caused her to cry because the baby was crying. So I packed them both up and decided to drive until one of them fell asleep. The baby fell asleep first so when we got home I put Kylie to sleep. She slept for about 30 minutes before she woke up crying, because she's got a cold now.

Kylie was so good with her. She woke up this morning asking about the baby. She actually spoke the word instead of signing it.

As a side note, I think two kids would be a good weight loss program. I made lunch yesterday, but didn't get to eat it.

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