Friday, December 01, 2006

No Studio Pictures For Us

I took Kylie to JCPenney's this morning to try and get Christmas pictures done but she had something else in mind. She refused to leave me and did her fake crying, all the while saying "Mommy hold you". They asked if I wanted to reschedule but I declined. It looks like it's up to me to take the pictures at home. I even tried getting her to go to Santa, which for a few minutes looked like it might happen, but then the "Don't want it" started up and she locked herself back in her stroller. That pretty much ended that conversation! I bought some stuff from Hobby Lobby to try and do a Christmas shoot so we'll see how cooperative she is for that. Will let you know how THAT goes.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Barney concert

We went to Phoenix to see Barney in concert. Kylie absolutely loved it. I think she spent the first part of it in shock. Ideally, I would've been smart to buy tickets to the next show. That way when the shock wore off, she could've actually participated. I have to admit that it was a pretty good concert.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

we've been to school and the library

Kylie started Mother's Morning Out a couple of weeks ago. She goes from 9:30 - 1:05 on Thursday mornings. She seems to love it. Last Thursday was "A" day and she got to paint with apples. It's nice to have a little bit of time to myself, but the nicest part is going to get her and having her glad to see me. Like today, I got off work early and when I came home, she said "Mommy, I missed you".
We also went to the library the other day and she got to meet Biscuit the dog. She was so good there, I think we're going to start going to Barnes and Noble for story hour every week.

Monday, September 11, 2006

I'm too old for this...........

This has been a crazy 30 or so days for us. First, she was bit by the spider. Then she ended up with double ear infections. Last Wednesday, I picked her up from the babysitter's and she had teeth marks on her arm (from the other little girl at the babysitter's). Saturday evening she was bit by a mosquito on the forehead. These pictures are the result of the bite. I've come to the sad conclusion that I'm too old for all of this!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Blues Clues Cookies

Tonight we made Blues Clues cookies.
Kylie's been watching Joe a lot on the computer so it fit right in. We frosted them right after dinner, note the ketchup under the frosting on the face.
She actually had a lot of fun, for someone who doesn't like having her fingers dirty. When I got her out of her seat, she had a cookie stuck to the side of her leg. That she didn't like. I wanted to send half of them to my nephew in Michigan, but I'm not quite sure how to get them there without being broken into a ton of pieces.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Grandma Zwolinski would be proud

Yesterday, I decided to try canning tomatoes with Kylie. I was hesitant to try it, but the thought of not having canned tomatoes was far more disconcerting than what I was about to attempt. I set Kylie up at the sink with some cups and spoons and let her play with the tomatoes. She actually did really well. She filled up the bowl with tomatoes for me so that I didn't have to reach across her. She played in the water for about 1 1/2 hours and then moved on to other things, as you can see from the pictures. I laid a towel out on the floor for her to eat, since there wasn't room for her at the table, and she decided to sit on the potty chair and watch Barney while she ate. Then, she lounged on the couch with a bowl of M & Ms while she watched Blues Clues. We ended up getting 20 quarts of tomatoes. I'm sad to say for the first time I actually had a jar break on me while processing. I also was able to peel and freeze a bushel of roasted green chilies while she slept. I think this weekend we're going to attempt peach and apple pie filling. Will keep you posted on how that went.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Something bit her

I went to pick Kylie up the other day after work and found out she had been bit by something. We're all assuming it was a spider, but have no way of knowing. Her hand was pretty swollen by the time I got her and we ended up going to Docs on Call because it was getting bigger. The doc there put her on an antibiotic. Tuesday morning her hand was even bigger and all red, so we made a trip in to see her Pediatrician. He doubled her dose just to be on the safe side and told me to keep giving her Tylenol, Motrin and Benadryl.
I took these pictures yesterday. The swelling didn't seem to bother her enough to quit sucking her thumb. We've got a follow up appointment tomorrow, but the hand already looks so much better. It's still pretty puffy, but she's able to use it a little easier.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My own Pointdexter

While we were in Denver last weekend, Kylie got ahold of these glasses and wouldn't take them off. I think she's absolutely adorable in them. They came in some doctor kit that my friend's little boy had.
I was thrilled because she sat and painted the whole time we scrapbooked. It seems chickie has an artistic side to her.
We're off to Vegas tomorrow for a few days. I'll try and get some new pictures up when we get home.

Friday, June 30, 2006

We're home

For those of you who thought we fell off the face of the earth, we were out in Vegas. We got to spend a lot of time with our friends, Jenette & Emma and Kristy & Liberty. It was fun watching the three girls play together again. Kylie took her first ride on a carousel and in the beginning she seemed to like it but towards the end she was ready to get off. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the ride. I was sad to come home, it was nice being with my friends again.
Luckily, I'm blessed with a child that travels well. We're headed to Denver next Friday.

We're home

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Look what we did today

I had found a recipe to make fingerpaints out of cornstarch, sugar and water on the Martha Stewart website and decided to give it a try. I debated doing it outside, but the mosquitos are so bad out there that we ended up using the side of the refrigerator. We had such a good time. The mixture has a thick consistency but she didn't see to mind it any. Nor did she try eating it. She was so funny to watch. She'd say the name of the color she was using and then when she was finished, she'd rub her hands together and it ended up all over her (and me). This is my attempt to bring out her inner artist so we can start scrapping together. I think we're on the right track.
Just a sidenote, Kylie ate crackers and spinach dip for breakfast........she really is my child!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Our trip to Wyoming

We went to Wyoming last weeked to visit my Aunt and Uncle. We went to the State Park in Lander and Kylie was pretty cautious around all of the water. I was mildly surprised, she's a very curious child. Last Saturday, we went to the Hot Springs in Thermopolis. She tolerated the life jacket fairly well. She'd try to sit down in the toddler pool and it would tip her forward. She didn't seem to mind and would start laughing. That evening when we got back to Riverton, she took about 5 steps in the kitchen and then laid down and went to sleep. I don't think I've ever seen her so tired.

Just a note.....Kylie talks up a storm now. She gets up every morning and goes to the frig and says ice cream.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Picture Taking Kind of Day

I decided to take some pictures of Kylie this morning and she was such a ham. That never happens....believe me, I've taken at ton of pictures of this child. I'm going to have her 2 year pictures taken in a couple of weeks. I only hope it goes as well as today did.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

What was I thinking?

Yesterday, we (Kylie and I) babysat an 8 1/2 month old. Things went pretty well until it was time for Kylie to take a nap. I placed the baby in the pack 'n play until I could get Kylie down, but I only succeeded in making her mad, because all she did was scream. Which woke Kylie up and caused her to cry because the baby was crying. So I packed them both up and decided to drive until one of them fell asleep. The baby fell asleep first so when we got home I put Kylie to sleep. She slept for about 30 minutes before she woke up crying, because she's got a cold now.

Kylie was so good with her. She woke up this morning asking about the baby. She actually spoke the word instead of signing it.

As a side note, I think two kids would be a good weight loss program. I made lunch yesterday, but didn't get to eat it.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I am now the mother of a two year old

I find it hard to believe that Kylie is two already. Where did the time go? We had just a small birthday party for her. It didn't start until 11:45 because of church, but that was 15 minutes before our normal nap time. So we didn't have long until meltdown occured.
It was a Barney party since she adores him. I had to special order the stuff since there's not a store in town that carries Barney supplies and.... I waited too long to look around. But that at least went over well with her.
This year she knew what to do with her cake, but like her mother, she only ate the frosting. It's funny how they pick up those little habits.
My wish is for a mild case of the terrible twos. I hope being an Irish Pole isn't a recipe for disaster. I guess we'll soon find out.